Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Nimbu Shikanji (Lemon Flavored Drink)

Shikanji is a refreshing lemon drink spiced up with black salt. The flavor and taste are truly splendid...just what you need after a long day at work during hot summer.


  • Juice of 4 lemons
  • Sugar to taste (depends on the sourness of lemons)
  • ½ tsp Salt mix
  • Pinch of black pepper powder
  • 1 glass Crushed ice
  • 1 glass ordinary water
  • 2 glasses of Chilled water
  • Lemon slices to garnish


  • Squeeze all lemons to remove juice. Pour into a large jug. Add a glass of ordinary water.
  • Now add sugar according to desired strength of sweetness.
  • Mix in black pepper powder and salt mix.
  • Stir for sometimes so that the sugar and salt dissolve completely. Now add chilled water and crushed ice.
  • Serve in chilled glasses garnished with lemon slices.

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