Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pearl Sago Pudding (Sabudana Kheer)

Creamy Sabudane ki kheer is usually made during fasts. Makhana (Lotus seeds) give it creamy consistency; rose water and cardamoms give it flavor; and nuts provide richness.



  • Soak sago in water 15 minutes. Sago pearls will absorb moisture and swell.
  • Heat ghee in frying pan and fry makhana over a medium heat for a few minutes, stirring continuously, until they are light pink in color. Remove from heat and keep aside to cool. Grind them to coarse powder in a dry grinder when cool.
  • Boil milk in another vessel.Add soaked sabudana after draining out the water. Boil until the sabudana becomes swollen and translucent.
  • Now add crushed makhana and sugar to milk; simmer for 5-6 minutes. During this period, stir continuously so that milk does not stick to the bottom of pan.
  • Stir in chopped nuts (keep aside some for garnishing), saffron, rose water and crushed cardamoms.
  • Check the consistency of kheer. It should have creamy consistency. Add some warm milk at this stage if kheer is too thick (remember that kheer becomes more thick when it is cooled).Remove from fire.
  • Garnish with nuts and crushed cardamom.
  • Serve the kheer cold.

Do You Know?

As a perfume, saffron was strewn in Greek and Roman halls, courts, theaters and balls; it became especially associated with the hetaerae, a professional class of Greek courtesans. The streets of Rome were sprinkled with saffron when Nero made his entry into the city.

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